dive in


My first call of the morning was with one of my oldest friends, whom I met on the diving board line at La Ronde Beach Club in Westhampton Beach when I was 10 years old. After firming up our plans in the Hamptons this weekend--a cocktail party and dinner in town on Friday night, afternoon beach hang on Saturday, and a local band show, consisting of more childhood friends on Sunday night--we moved on to attire. I informed her that I was packing the new and very fun Loulou Studio skirt, above, along with some tried-and-true pieces, like the print Alemais, below, now on sale. I also suggested she hit Net-a-Porter's Memorial Day Sale, for more summer-is-here looks, including this fringed Farm Rio, this unerringly chic Mara Hoffman, this stunning Zimmermann, and this very East Hampton-sleek Tove dress. Also worth checking out is My Theresa's 50% off sale here! Long holiday weekend, here we come!

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